Automatic material handling solutions for the steel industry: robotic tagging applications, tying machines, safety fences and cranes.

The applications and machinery have been shown to significantly increase productivity, with accurate material tracking and user friendly data interfaces. The automation and mechatronic state-of-the-art solutions can be integrated into existing mills.

Keywords: Material Handling, Robot, Rolling Mill, Automation, PLC and HMI, Bundles, Coils, Yield, 3D Vision System, Tag, Tagging, Tying Machine, Safety fences, Cranes, Traceability, Logistics. 

In recent years, many operations within the steel industry have been transformed toward automated production lines, increasing production capability, product traceability and the working conditions of the operators, while maintaining the highest levels of safety.
Combining the principles of industrial automation, previous experience and modern components available on the market, AIC Group has developed automation and mechatronic state-of-the-art solutions to foster production process efficiencies for the finishing lines of long-product rolling mills, meltshops and casters, which are also optimized for Industry 4.0.

Solutions for increasing traceability and logistics include: 

• Robotic Tagging Applications for bundles and stacks of metal products, billets, bars, blooms, slabs, wire rods and tubes (see Millennium Steel America 2020/21).
• Tying machines for bundles, stacks and packs of metal products and wire ties.
• Safety systems, area protective fences and cranes.

Since there are hazards associated with heavy equipment, roller tables and overhead cranes, the aforementioned applications increase the control of both material handling and product quality, minimize the direct intervention of operators in the production process and facilitate long-term cost reductions, due to advanced technologies which may include GPS for geo-localization, vision systems for data collection, fully finished product tracking systems at site and remote control. 

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