As a technological partner with extensive experience and deep know-how, AIC is a global power control supplier and system integrator that designs, manufactures, and implements automation systems, process control, and mechatronic solutions for both greenfield and revamping projects.

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Press Area

AIC has been awarded a new project from SDI for its plant in Roanoke,...
The project involves providing a cutting-edge automation solution...

# #

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AIC has been awarded a new project from Aceros DM in their plant...
The project includes the modernization of the power and automation...

# #

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AIC has been awarded a project for PLC interface for the rolling...
The project involves a comprehensive upgrade and integration of control...

# #

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New project from Steel Dynamics Inc. Roanoke Plant for AIC
AIC has been chosen for the supply of two BAT, bundle robotic tagging...

# #

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AIC Secures Major Contract with W Silver Inc.
AIC will be responsible for the complete automation and installation...

#USA #

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POMINI Long Rolling Mills has chosen AIC for the supply of a new...
The project foresees the supply of all electrical and automation...

#USA #

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Acciaierie Venete has reconfirmed AIC as the supplier of automation...
The collaboration between Acciaierie Venete and AIC continues for...

#Italy #italy

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Rotary hearth furnace and heat treatment line for India
ANDRITZ Metals Germany, one of the largest furnace manufacturers...

##Germany #

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AIC has successfully started three orders from Gerdau Canada for...
Gerdau Whitby first commissioned AIC project for their Structural...

# #

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A major Taiwanese mechanical supplier awarded AIC an order for 3...
The order was received from a leading Italian OEM, acting as the...

# #

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Giridhan Metals Awarded AIC an order for the automation for the Bar...
The mill was commissioned in June 2023 and has improved its productivity...

#India #

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Caleotto (Feralpi Group) awards AIC with a new production line.
Caleotto has entrusted AIC for the upgrade of the rolling mill through...

# #

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FAT Revamping of AFV Beltrame stacker area S. Didero plant
Recently, at our Torbole Casaglia site, a FAT was carried out for...

#Italy #italy

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Prime Indian steel producer awarded ATS Mechatronics with two tying...
ATS Mechatronics, part of AIC Group has supplied to an important...

# #

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AIC has been awarded two projects for a TMP 500C tying machine and...
AIC has been awarded by an important steel and alloy producer in...

#Italy #italy

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New tying machines for Al Jazeera Steel, Oman.
ATS Mechatronics, part of AIC Group has been awarded with an order...

# #

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New implementation of the robotic guidance system commisioned by...
AIC has been awarded a contract for the complete supply of a robotic...

#Italy #italy

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AIC has been awarded with two robotic islands for bundles tagging...
One of the largest steel producers in the United States, has awarded...

#USA #

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ANDEC S.A. relies on AIC for the modernization of its rolling mill...
AIC South America has obtained a new client from Equador, ANDEC S.A

#South America #

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Two new important projects for a steel producer plant in Tennessee
AIC North America has been granted of a PO from an important customer...

#USA #

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First direct order for AIC with Arvedi Group
AIC has been selected from Arvedi Spa for the technological revamping...

#Italy #italy

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AIC received the ISO 45001:2018 certificate of conformity for safety
AIC is proud to announce that it has received the certificate of...

#Italy #italy

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AIC will stand again with Acciaierie Venete for the new greenfield...
AIC has been again selected by Acciaierie Venete as a strategic partner...

#Italy #italy

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Collaboration between KOCKS and AIC continues for an Indian Alloy-Steel...
The collaboration between AIC and FRIEDRICH KOCKS GmbH Germany continues...

#India #

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Revamping of Reversible Rougher Mill Stand in Canada
Gerdau Canada commissioned AIC the revamping of the 5 Mill Reversible...

#Canada #

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AIC will supply new motors and automation system for the Kocks RSB...
The client Indian Steel and Wire Products Ltd, awarded AIC group...

# #

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Complete modernization of the plant for a customer in New Jersey
AIC North America has been granted of a PO from a customer in Sayreville,...

#USA #

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AIC developed the electrical part of Carpenteria Almici's overhead...
Carpenteria Almici SpA, has once again chosen AIC to design and implement...

#Italy #italy

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New Job Order for AIC North America at Gerdau Whitby ON - Canada.
After revamping most of the drives on the rolling mill of Gerdau...

#USA #Canada

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Newly developed Robotic Stacker by AIC
AIC continues the collaboration with Acciaierie Venete with the upgrade...

#February #Italy

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Installation of level 2 automation for billets quality improvement...
Cape Gate commissioned AIC the design, realization and installation...

#USA #February

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Photovoltaic system installation for ATS
ATS Mechatronics is starting the installation of a photovoltaic system...

#January #Italy

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Automazioni Industriali Capitanio has been recognized among the "Workplaces...
Our company is actively committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle...

#2024-01-14 #

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AIC India upgrades Rolling mill speed control system
In December 2022 AIC India received an order from one of the Alloy-Steel...

#India #December

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Rolling I-Beam IPE200 project at Mescier progressing well
Turkish client Mescier congratulates with AIC for its great contribution...

#Turkey #November

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350,000 TPA Bar Mill Commissioned in record time
Rungta Mines Awarded AIC an order for the automation and Drive systems...

#India #November

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Unite by Excellence: The historic partnership between Automazioni...
A bond of Solidarity, Sport, and Friendship that has thrived for...

#October #SocialEngagement

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A summer of record-breaking in commissioning: 20 facilities restart...
The relentless efforts of the AIC Team during the summer halt have...

#September #Worldwide

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Revamping of Bar Mill Drives at Cogne Acciai Speciali - Step 2
The ongoing collaboration between AIC and Cogne Acciai Speciali goes...

#Italy #September

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FAT obtained on 2 robotic islands for labeling and marking metal...
The robotics team has successfully undergone testing on n.2 robotic...

#Italy #August

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AIC South America for Gerdau Divinópolis revamping in Minas Gerais
AIC South America and Gerdau teams at Divinópolis site in Minas Gerais...

#Brazil ##July

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FAT completed for drives upgrade at GERDAU Monroe Rolling Mill
In May, AIC North America Corp. team received the customer at the...

#USA #June

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Factory Acceptance Tests for new robotics islands in Italy and Oman.
New robotic islands will be installed globally in the upcoming months:...

#Italy #May

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Shredder area revamping at Alfa Acciai
At the end of January, AIC team completed the first modernization...

#Italy #March

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Revamping of the EAF Melting Furnace's Main Pulpit at Feralpi Group
AIC Group carried out the modernisation of the main pulpit located...

#Italy #March

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Roughing mill revamping at Ovako Hällefors in Sweden
AIC in partnership with Pomini Long Rolling Mills has signed a contract...

#February #Sweden

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AIC India received the order for revamp of existing shear control...
In December 2022 AIC India received the order from one of the Stainless-Steel...

#India #February

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AIC South America completed the modernization at Gerdau Cosigua
AIC South America team has revamped Mill 2 in the Brazilian plant...

#January #Brazil

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AIC India received the order for its production organizer suites
In September 2022 AIC India received an order for its production...

#January #India

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AICNA for rougher mill stands drives upgrade at Gerdau Whitby
The AIC American team has led the restart at the Whitby structural...

#January #USA

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Successfully Factory-Acceptance Test for Columbia City and Jacksonville...
In the weeks 46-47 of 2022, the AIC North America team successfully...

#January #USA

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